I'm Kate and I am 26 years old! After making a huge leap and moving to Arizona with the love of my life, I decided to get into the world of blogging and let me just say I love it immensely!
Currently, I work at Anthropologie. I am the Assistant Home Dept Supervisor and it's so much fun as well as a for sure full time job! I love, love make-up and love learning more about it every day. Personally I believe my personal style needs some work but I have come a long way. I enjoy making cupcakes when I can and I'm in the process of starting a small handmade card business. Right now I sell some of them at a local Phoenix shop owned by my friend, it's called the Growop!
If you have any questions for me or would like to use some of my photographs feel free to email me:
or you can contact me on Twitter/Facebook!
Oh hey, grab my button if you'd like!