Friday, March 30, 2012

Roasted Brussel Sprouts: A True Treat

Ingredients: Brussel Sprouts.  Sea Salt. Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  Pepper

Rinse Brussel Sprouts Under Water and preheat oven to 375.

Cut bottoms off.  Slice in half.

In a medium sized bowl, drizzle olive oil, then add sea salt and pepper to taste.  Toss to evenly distribute the ingredients.
On baking sheet, lay flat side down.  Then place in oven, baking for 30 min or until dark brown on bottom.

Take out of oven then place back into medium sized bowl.  Serve and enjoy!

I love roasted Brussel Sprouts!  I learned this recipe from a friend while I was living in New York!  Before then, I had never had Brussel Sprouts and I had only associated them with something you're "forced to eat" as a small kid.  Hopefully, if you're one of those tortured kids, this recipe will change your mind, it certainly did mine and I could probably eat the entire bag of them!


  1. I am so glad I found this. I have been wanting to try brussel sprouts but I had no idea how to make them! Now I am going to have to try it.

    Ask the Duplex

    1. Let me know how they come out! I typically like to get mine just a bit darker than I cooked them for this, but they're too delish!

  2. roasted russel sprouts are delicious!!! yum!
    xo TJ
