Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day to all!!  Although I am taking a break this week, I wanted to post on this day of love!!   Today I worked, but when I came home Chris had a planter of flowers waiting for me and a beautiful card that made me cry!  A planter of flowers?  Yes.  The reason is because I hate how flowers die so fast so his idea was we could place it by the window and water it so it'll last longer!  Gosh I love him!  Btw...check out my friend TJ from Mr. Taylor and His Lady .  She had a bunch of readers and fellow bloggers send her pictures of themselves as well as where they were from to show the love! 


  1. aw, loved having you be apart of it girl!
    xo TJ

  2. So funny thing... I was checking out blogs and commenting on Mr Taylor and his Lady, and I saw that you commented right before I did! And I was just about to find that piece of paper with your blog address on it! Oh, I love how the universe lets me be lazy sometimes. Anyway, I'm excited to be lurking your blog now!

    1. Yay! I love that! I'm excited you're lurking my blog too :D
